The StrengthsFinder

Gallup’s StrengthsFinder assessment was developed by Donald O. Clifton, Ph.D. (1924-2003)  The Clifton StrengthsFinder is the culmination of more than 50 years of Dr. Donald O. Clifton’s lifelong work: leading millions of people around the world to discover their strengths.

You can purchase the assessment by going to Gallup’s Strengthsfinder site (button below) and purchasing your access code from Gallup. When you purchase the Strengthsfinder, you will get the downloadable version of the bestselling StrengthsFinder 2.0 e-book, a code for to take the assessment. The assessment will give you your top 5 strengths!

Directly below you will find all the Strengths organized by their categories and with a brief description. Further on the page, you will find  Full page synopsis for each Strength, of so you can dig deeper and refer easily to your strengths in the years to come. Be sure to see both!

Click here to buy the Strengthsfinder assessment

Relating Talents are contained in the themes used to effectively create, develop and sustain relationships. These themes prompt how a person reaches out to others and responds to those who reach out to him. Relating talents differentiate how someone naturally forms personal relationships as well as demonstrating the unique means by which he creates new relationships and the pattern chosen for maintaining them. Below are quick statements about each relating talent in the StrengthsFinder, to get an entire sheet on each click o nthe links below or on the links from the StrengthsPage Communication: The desire to explain, host, write or speak in public is the hallmark of Communication. Breathing new life into static ideas by turning events into stories draws people to listen. Empathy: Someone with Empathy can understand the emotions another person is experiencing, even though he doesn’t automatically agree with those feelings. At the same time, while he doesn’t become mired in the frustrations, anger or sadness of another person, by using his “emotional radar” the empathic individual can interpret the shifting moods of someone moment by moment.

Harmony: Peacemakers, people with Harmony, turn the attention away from themselves and onto others. Often those with Harmony are especially sensitive to the tones of people’s voices, their moods and the atmosphere in which they find themselves. Because little is to be gained from disagreement, it must be held to a minimum.

Includer: Inclusiveness is a philosophy of life. Making people feel that they belong is important, because everyone will benefit from the support of others.

Individualization: People with Individualization ask the right questions to gather information and check out whether or not their hunches about someone’s mood, talents, limitations and so forth are correct. Good observers and listeners, they pick up insights and information that they can use later. Generalizations are dismissed because the differences among people, the distinctive qualities that make each person special, are worth real attention.

Relator: Being pulled toward people already known is the signature of the Relator. A deep relationship with a few cherished friends is much more important than having dozens of acquaintances. Nurturing close bonds with a few people is more important than calling everyone they meet “friend.”

Responsibility: “Commitment” and “follow-through” are the bywords of those with Responsibility. Most tasks taken on, whether large or small, must be completed. Doing a job halfway is just not possible. Mediocrity, missing steps or overlooking details is unacceptable. Dependability, the willingness to be help accountable rather than blame others, to be reliable and trustworthy: this is what someone with Responsibility is all about.

Impacting Talents…

Impacting Talents are contained in the themes used to motivate others to action. Talents within these themes prompt a person to set a course for individuals and groups to follow then get them moving along that course. Those with Impacting talents stimulate others to be more productive, to reach for excellence and to fulfill personal potential. Impactors direct people toward their goals by helping them find the things they need to get there. Handing someone a book, for instance, wouldn’t be a simple act of sharing. Rather, the specific book would contain information that the impactor felt the person needed to improve a situation or herself or to provide necessary data or points of view. By filling such a requirement, the impactor can win over the other person. Impactors pay attention to people, although they don’t necessarily befriend them. Wherever they are, whatever they do, people with strength in Impacting themes make the most of it.

Command: Not surprisingly, those with a taste for Command tend to take charge – and they experience no discomfort with imposing their “I’m going to get you to act” attitude on others.

Competition: Competition is rooted in comparison. Those who compete are instinctively aware of the performance of others—but their own actions are their ultimate yardsticks. Reaching a goal without outperforming peers is a hollow victory. It’s always a thrill to face a risk with a specific reward in mind.

Developer: Developers see what could be and are drawn to people because every person is a work in progress. Helping individuals “grow” spurs growth in the Developer, too.

Maximizer: Excellence, not mediocrity, is the measure of the Maximizer. After all, it takes just as much effort transforming something good into something superb, so why waste time trying to raise something average to slightly more that?

Positivity: Generous with praise, quick to smile, the person with Positivity spontaneously looks for the good in others and in situations. Making the most of things, celebrating often; no wonder Positivity people are always surrounded by others. Spotlighting the people they encounter, they make others feel good, laugh and have a good time. Their outlook boosts people’s confidence, engenders feelings of warmth and elevates sagging spirits.

Woo: Meeting new people and gaining their trust is what Woo is all about. Strangers, rarely intimidating, act as energizers. Concentrating on the person they want to like them or think well of them or feel better because of them ….. that’s what the person with Woo seeks.

Striving Talents…

Striving Talents are contained in the themes utilized to push the self toward results. Talents within these themes motivate a person to get things done, then seek greater accomplishments. Striving talents can easily generate the energy needed to successfully complete even long-term projects, and to quickly move on to the next one. Striving talents are the distinctive motivations that influence individuals to do the same task differently. These themes, called drivers, force people to get up each day and do some thing. Strivers come in all kinds of categories. Some are self-starters, while others require an outside force to motivate them to action. Some live in a state of “compressed urgency”; they are impelled to make things happen ASAP. Thriving in ever-changing environments works for others. Some find their catalyst in a noble cause, a higher calling or a core value. A number of strivers blossom in highly organized, structured or deadline-driven environments, but just as many are single-minded and seldom lose sight of their main goal. Some naturally find people or things that need fixing, updating or renovation. Others move forward because they trust themselves, while a number make progress because people acknowledge their successes, strengths, effectiveness or importance. Striving themes are the fuel that propels people to excel, take risks and set high expectations. Inaction renders them restless.

Achiever: A true Achiever harbors a deep need to accomplish something tangible in order to feel good about himself. This pushes him to do more, achieve more and get those results.

Activator: An Activator is impatient for things to happen. Her belief is that action, and only action, will make things happen.

Adaptability: Adaptability means living in the moment, even if your plans get changed without warning. Change is a friend, never a foe.

Belief: Seeing meaning and satisfaction by tapping into their core values, those with a strong theme for Belief don’t measure success by either money or prestige. Rather, yearning to be part of activities that are considered to have a positive impact on the world is much more important. Commitment to family can be invaluable. Altruism, and being true to his ethics, is a big part of this person’s makeup.

Discipline: For someone with discipline, the world needs to be predictable, ordered and planned. As a result, structure must be imposed and routines followed. Timelines and deadlines make sense because they aid in breaking down projects into specific short-term plans that can be worked on diligently.

Focus: A person with strong Focus has precisely defined goals and establishes measurable milestones to monitor her progress toward each objective. When unexpected obstacles or distractions pull her off course, as they will from time to time, the focused person quickly decides whether or not the problem warrants her attention. If it does, she will quickly deal with it. If it doesn’t, she’ll ignore it. Either way, the person with strong Focus wastes little time on activities that hinder her from concentrating on key goals.

Restorative: Excellent problem solvers, energized by problems that reduce others to tears – these are signs of the Restorative. Analyzing “symptoms,” identifying what is wrong and finding the solution is as good as life gets. Processes, plans, tactics, as well as objects, and sometimes even people – all could be made better or improved.

Self-Assurance: An aura of quiet power—of certainty about themselves and their abilities – surrounds those with this theme. A self-assured individual trusts his judgment more than the judgment of others. He makes choices that suit him rather than setting out to win the approval of others.

Significance: Getting recognition – in the fullest sense of the word – guides those with strong Significance. Being heard, standing out in the crowd, being appreciated; someone with strong Significance believes she is noteworthy. That’s why she will not associate herself with unimportant, average or mediocre organizations, activities or people. Whatever she allies with reflects upon her and she knows it.

Thinking Talents…

Thinking Talents involve the way people gather, process and make decisions with information and mental images. Gallup research has shown that people spend the majority of their time thinking in the past, the present or the future. Those who dwell in the past are reliving experiences, trying to understand them and thus plan for what will happen in the future. Individuals who think in the moment also live in it. They respond to things as they occur. And those beings who think in the future explore the possibilities of what might happen. They find the thought of what’s ahead not only challenging but also extremely energizing. In addition to thinking within a frame of time, those with these talent themes process information differently. Some take things apart in order to understand how they work. Others, like detectives, study data and search for evidence. Coordinating events, schedules and projects comes easily to many of them, while some think globally, sensing they are linked with all of humankind, past and present. Others ponder issues or ideas for hours, days or months before sharing an idea with anyone, while a number of them love to think out loud, testing their concepts or recommendations on either a friend, partner, group or stranger. Solitude, in order to do their best thinking, suits a lot of thinkers. But while many bring a consistency to their thinking that makes them utterly predictable— what they say or do today is what they have been saying and doing for weeks, months or even years—some generate innovative ideas. Looking at an opportunity, problem, person, process or thing from many angles before drawing a conclusion can be part of the process, but some gather obvious insights from conversations, experiences and books with no particular aim in mind. Thinkers can be philosophical by nature, delving deep into a problem, subject or theory. Some are possibility thinkers, tacticians or perpetual students. However they exhibit it, people’s Thinking themes definitely influence the way they view the world, treat others, interpret current events, solve problems and create opportunities. Each Thinking theme gives people a unique perspective on themselves, others and the world. Thinking contains the themes used to analyze the world. Talents within these themes drive a person to logically approach a situation, think it through and then plan accordingly. Using Thinking talents, a person “works smart” toward increased effectiveness and leads others who are impressed with such thoroughness to do the same.

Analytical: Analytical people demand proof. “Show me how what you are claiming is documented and true” is their mantra. Arranger: When faced with complex situations involving many factors, Arrangers enjoy managing the variables. They delight in aligning and realigning until they are sure they have achieved the most productive configuration possible.

Connectedness: Those with a talent for Connectedness can’t be moved from their unwavering understanding that everyone is linked. This offers enormous comfort because it confirms that people are not isolated from one another. It also means connected people sense that their words affect everyone else in some way, and vice versa.

Consistency: On the great seesaw of life, those with a strong Consistency theme try to find balance. Everyone should be treated alike, no matter what they do or who they are. The consistency will guard against giving one person an advantage over everyone else.

Context: To those driven by Context, the past provides the blueprint of cause and effect. What already took place is the guide to understanding what is happening now. Deliberative: Vigilance and being careful are the prime descriptions of the Deliberative theme. The world is an unpredictable place, so it makes sense to identify possible risks so that they can be assessed and possibly reduced.Ideation: Innovative concepts, theories and solutions are the essence of Ideation. People with strength in this talent theme find simple ways to explain most events. Where Ideation is concerned, basic concepts drive the most complicated matters. The delight is in finding that uncomplicated idea.

Input: Additional information or ideas or things pertaining to their interest is especially valuable to people with strong Input because they know that someday it will prove valuable. Being inquisitive and collecting data represents how wonderfully complex and varied the world is.

Intellection: Being alone is precious because it allows time for musing and reflection. Intellection reflects the pleasure of thinking and figuring things out.

Learner: As the name suggests, strong Learners love the process of acquiring new information and/or skills and do so throughout their lives.

Strategic: “What if?” and “Then what?” are the definers of those with a strong Strategic theme. They will generate numerous options; determine available resources, including people, time, money and materials; assess a situation factually and logically; figure out the consequences of each option; and select and implement the best choice. Sifting through clutter and finding the most direct route marks the Strategic theme. Information gathering leads to understanding the issue at hand. Patterns emerge where others see chaos.

Strengths One Pagers:  Here are one page pdf’s on each of the strengths:

Strengths-Finder Resource Guide – click the button below to download a pdf that includes a information on all of the 34 strengths: Note: This pdf is 72 pages long.

StrengthsFinder Guide   < to download the pdf which Includes the following:

  1.  A short description of each strength
  2. A list of Action Items customized for each strength
  3. How to Manage a Person Who is Especially Talented in _______ ( one page for each of the 34 Strengths)